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Green Farm Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus

Writer's picture: Vincent WrayVincent Wray

Updated: Jul 10, 2021

Over the years we had erected lots of Kestrel nest boxes, but never had a single Kestrel in any, we had pigeons, corvids but never a falcon, that's until we placed another one at Green Farm earlier this year 2021.

Having monitored the nest with a trip camera we checked it every weekend to see what was showing any interest, we had some encouraging signs with the male and female checking the box out, and eventually mating, we did have several other visitors, Squirrels, Blue Tits, and a pair of Tawny Owls which luckily for the Kestrels never interfered with them.

Visitors to the new box.

The Kestrel box is allot easier than make than a Barn Owl box, so if your starting out making boxes for your local population to use its the best to start with, don't let all your effort's go to waste though, make them out of 9-12mm marine plywood so they'll last for 20 plus years, My advice is to fit a inspection camera, or if your feeling lucky install a HD camera if your planning on making videos.

During the monitoring the Male Kestrel did all the hunting bringing a few mice whilst the chicks are very young, sometimes she greets him at the entrance and takes the mouse inside where its torn apart into very small pieces, one usually feeds the five, as they grow hell bring in several a day as a full sized adult eats 3-5 mice a day, and will cache the rest until hungry.

A few weeks after hatching and brooding the female did leave the nest but doesn't venture very far as she has to protect the young from Covids, Barn and Tawny Owls who all share the area. They did risk it a few times to both see magpie off, and several times she chased a Buzzard away, very courageous. The male was spotted a few times incubating the eggs, and feeding them.

As the young Kestrels branch she will start to call them and training starts, looks like its hard work trying to get five lazy teenagers to do anything! she tries to entice them away from there trees to start hunting and improve there flying technique and muscle growth. They will both help catch mice for approx. four weeks after fledging then there on there own.

We will continue the monitor them all year and update the blog with what we find.

Green Farm Kestrel timeline.

19th March. Adults checking the nest box.

19th April. Female lays first egg.

23rd April. Male seen bringing mouse to feed the Female.

22nd May. Female visiting hide sporadically.

26th May. Five of Six eggs have hatched.

6th June. Four well fed & one runt in the box, Adult Male/Female mating. Adult Female visiting hides.

12th June. Feathers forming nicely, still five young, sixth egg never hatched. Female seeing a Buzzard off.

19th June. All fully feathered with a bit of down. Growing up fast.

2oth June. First two branching, put a third one back in the box after it had a drenching and tired herself out in the long grass. Heard the Little Owls calling in the distance, lets hope they use the old willow tree again in 2022.

24th June. One still in the nest box, presumed the runt, Female is currently training one, the rest are sat in the oak trees preening and exercising.....and resting.

26th June. All now branched. Nest box cleaned and fresh bedding placed in case they have a second brood.

3rd July. Two youngsters and Female Adult visiting the hides.

20th July. Adults should stop feeding there young.

So there we have it, one box can make a difference....eventually

Here she is, the Brave, Hard Working Loving Mum.

The First to Branch... or was it just the greediest?

Adult Female still feeding

Think she's had enough?



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