After discovering the delights of camera trapping several months ago we have decided to run some Workshops aimed at complete beginners to the advanced photographer. There will be two workshops one aimed at the daytime photographer and one aimed at people who want to leave there gear out in all weathers day and night.
These are "work in progress" workshops so the structure and timing on the day might change slightly. Rest assured you'll go away with a new string to your bow and a breath of fresh air that will get you closer to wildlife.
Introductory Price £80 per person (Max Two)
You'll learn the different ways to connect the camera, program the sensor, suitable lenses, avoid focusing issues, best camera settings to get sharp big depth of field images, setting up the equipment in the field for best position, how to avoid poor lighting and false triggers.
Additionally you'll have the option (if you have an appropriate camera body etc) to use our equipment for a night time tawny or Barn owl session retrieving your camera in the morning or use our complete system (our camera body, lens, boxes and flashes) and we can send out your memory card the following day to see what you’ve managed to capture. (you'll own all the copyright).
What to bring: your Cannon or Nikon camera body, shutter trigger cable and a short lens.
If we have time well discuss how to build a camera enclosure so you can leave your equipment out in the rain or If you are not the DIY type you'll have the option to have a Camera Trapers Hardcase custom made for your camera body (lens and body sizes permitting). This will include the case, filter, sealing and custom drilled to your cabling requirements. Due to the amount of tripods and mounting systems, the mount wont be included but lots of advice on them will be given on the day and we can look at fitting one.
You'll learn how to use flashes specifically for camera traps, how to program the sensor for day and night, all about transmitters and receivers to fire them remotely, using hard wired or wireless setups, more flash settings and positioning, limitations of battery’s and how to extend the power if you need more than a week’s run time and how to conceal and secure your equipment.
Notes on Cost
To give you an idea of the equipment cost of a day time setup your looking at approx £350 for the sensor, cable, enclosure, filter and tripod mount. For a night time setup add two second hand flashes, two flash stands, three mini ball head mounts, a transmitter and two receivers approx £580.
Of course allot of people already have flashes, transmitters and receivers, but check your flashes don't power off after they have entered standby mode and if they can only be powered back by physically pressing a button this will not work for camera trapping. You may already have some cheap tripods that can be used as flash stands. The only extra costs would be flash cases, but a good quality freezer bag can do the job.
