Its nearly a Christmas tradition to build a few nest boxes for the Owls or Kestrels, this year we built two Barn Owl boxes. One has been build for the village of Watton, the other will replace an existing one at a East Yorkshire farm, the boxes cost approx £100 to build, we use a 8x4ft 12mm thk marine ply sheet, paint and finish.
Just before the roof goes on we put a mini cctv camera inside so we can inspect the contents without disturbing the resting Owls. The roof is sealed with torch on roof felt which is great as you dont have to use clout nails, this means for a very watertight long lasting home for the owls. When its erected with put approx 1" deep of wood chippings inside to help insulate and protect the eggs.
Last year we build one and erected it at North Cliff Woods nature reserve run by the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust were we volunteer, within one week a pair moved in and have been successful breeding already.
Making sure you site the boxes in an appropriate location and orientation is the key to success.
