If your hobby is nature photography you can only be aware of the fight wildlife has in our ever-changing landscape and the need to help where you can, for example adding nest boxes to your back garden, feeding the birds, letting the hedgehogs use your back garden, building ponds for frogs and newts, etc.
Conservation has always been top of our list too, we have been lucky enough to work with several farmers who without their help none of what we have achieved would have been possible. It's all about networking with like-minded people who want to help out. We have learned a lot over the years, and made mistakes along the way but worked together to solve them.
One species that defiantly needs our help are the Owls with their habitat slowly disappearing, one example, notice those singular ancient trees sitting in hedgerows? with large cavities perfect for nesting Owls, slowly breaking up and eventually being cut down as a health risk, the hedges are been cut so close no saplings with ever get a chance to replace the original trees.
We have been installing Owl & Kestrel boxes around farms, villages & nature reserves, planting trees and hedgerows. A Barn Owl tends to live in the box all year, unlike the Tawny and Little owls who only use them in nesting season. We build all our boxes to the Barn Owl Trust standard so they should last over 30 years, additional we fit each box with an analogue inspection camera allowing the contents to be viewed on handheld screens with no disturbance.
In early 2021 we fitted three Barn Owl, two Tawny, one Kestrel & two Little Owl boxes in the village of Watton with the villagers contributing to the cost of materials.
Another couple of successes have been the man-made Fox den and Otter Holt both currently being used. Check out our Blog for updates on this and more.